Last year marked a fantastic Septembeerfest with record attendance of over 3,400 participants. We boasted an awesome beer, cider and mead selection, great music and food. Most importantly, we raised over $21,400 for Linn-Benton Food Share, the Heart of the Valley Homebrewers’ Endowment at Oregon State University supporting scholarships in Fermentation Science, and the Glen Hay Falconer Foundation. Since 2006 Heart of the Valley Homebrewers, a non-profit organization, has donated over $200,000 to support a number of worthy local charities and organizations.
On September 21st, 2019 Septembeerfest will celebrate it’s 12th anniversary. This fall festival has grown steadily since its inception and has become an expected tradition of the Corvallis beer scene as we endeavor to highlight the best of the best and serves as the showcase event and kickoff of Corvallis Beer Week.
Participating as a brewery allows you to show support for the festival, the community, and to gain exposure for your business before grateful beer enthusiasts. It’s this generosity that ensures the success of this Heart of the Valley Homebrewers’ tradition.
Still interested? In short, here are the benefits of a Brewery Sponsor…
• 2 or more dedicated taps¹
• Included on all print media, including festival banner
• Recognized as a Brewery Sponsor on the web site with link to your site
• Company’s logo included on web and all electronic promotions of the event where possible
• Sponsor provided business banner at serving location
• Prominent sign with Tap Sponsored by “Company Logo” with beverage listings
• Can display promotional materials and/or have brewery representatives meet with public, a great PR opportunity
• Ability to use your own servers
• Four complimentary tickets to event, including glass and tokens
• Access to sponsor area / lounge
¹ There’s always small print… We ask that you provide at least 2 kegs per tap. Kegs are assumed to be 13.2 – 15.5 gallons or the equivalent if smaller vessels are used. Additional details Festivalgoers love and appreciate special and unusual entries; we understand sometimes quantities are limited, just let us know so other arrangements can be made. Our beverage coordinator will work with you on selecting beers, ciders & meads… to best highlight your product at the festival and to ensure balance among styles. Servers must be OLCC licensed or attend volunteer server training. Please note: You will be responsible for set-up and tear down of any sponsor provided items, i.e. kegs, jockey-boxes, banners…